You ever watch the show "Myth Busters"? I do, I love that show. I love it when they take the "trusted truths" I have been told, or thought on my own, and just obliterate their validity. I want to do that right now with one of the most popular beard myths on the market.
The Myth: "If you shave it, it will grow!"
I ran into a guy yesterday at Staples--I was picking up more boxes for all the orders for ManCave Product. He was checking me out. Well, I guess that sounded a little funny--He was taking my money for a purchase. He looked me strait in the face and said, "I wish I had a beard like Yours!" After some small talk, I simply said, "You can do it--Just let it grow!" I then said, "stop shaving your beard!" He said, "But THEY said, 'If I shave it it will grow back longer and more full!"
Enter the Myth. Listen, This myth has been around since the grunt grunt days. Don't get your tighties in a wad. I am not trying to be smarter than your daddy, BUT, THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE!
Guess what happens when you shave your beard! It goes away.
Thats it!
Sure, if you need to trim up to STAY MARRIED, or KEEP (OR GET) a job DO IT!!!!!!!!!! But really, if you want your beard to GROW--Then (Drum Roll Inserted Here) Let it Grow Lil Poppy!
I am not a scientist. You can look up for yourself why this age old beard myth is just not true. But for now, simply put, Shaving Your beard to make it grow is just not real!!!!!!!! Your Beard ain't some hedge outside your house...or a weed...or a garden. I really don't even know if those things grow back more full if you cut them...But I do know that your beard wont!
So, If you DON'T want to grow your beard--SHAVE IT!
If you do--DONT!!!!!!!!!
Blog Thumbnail Author--By Angela George, CC BY-SA 3.0,