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The SKINny on Beard Product

I have four boys. My oldest son is 12. In descending order, I also have an 11, 6, and a 1 year(s) old. I absolutely cannot wait to...

Bed Time can Be Beard Time

Writing about beard care is fun. But, if Im honest, sometimes I run out of things to write about--or at least I think I do. Thats when...

2019 New Year Beard Goals

Now is the time. I usually don't like doing what "every body else is doing," but in this case, I think its valuable. The gym will be...

The Winter Beard

How to Take Care of Your Beard in The Winter. Confession Time. I went to Walmart the other day:) I did it, and I actually enjoyed...

Easy As 1...2...3...

What I am about to give you is gold. Well, gold for those of you who are trying to grow epic beards. I am going to write out a step by...

Things I Wish I Knew Early On in the Beard Game

Growing a beard is easy! Sure it is if you want to grow a normal beard. But, if you want to grow a beard that is Epic it takes work. I...

#1 Way to Not Grow a Beard

You ever watch the show "Myth Busters"? I do, I love that show. I love it when they take the "trusted truths" I have been told, or...

Yeah...Im Talkin bout Your Beard!!!

Beards have been around for a minute. But let's be real here, the beard has become super popular in the last 6 years. From Hollywood to...

Innie or Outtie? It Matters for a Healthy Beard.

Are you an Innie or an Outtie? Before you think I am just being weird, let me say, If you want a healthy beard you need to be both! Let...

To Beard or Not To Beard?

Does your girlfriend/wife/partner even like the burly beard attached to your chin, or would she rather have you as smooth as a baby's...

Size DOES Matter!

At the risk of being too risqué, I want to tackle this notorious question within the bearded community. Does the size of your beard...

I Finally Got My Beard.

I have had facial hair since age 21. My beard has been an important a part of my life. I have never just grown a beard to be lazy. ...

Blog: Blog2
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