I have had facial hair since age 21. My beard has been an important a part of my life. I have never just grown a beard to be lazy. There has always been a special affinity circulating in my heart--and growing on my face for facial hair. Goatees, mustache only (a little weird I know), long beards, stubble face, shadows of different time zones, I have experimented with multiple facial hair styles. Finally, in the last 4 years I landed on MY beard.
My beard! It's long, it's strong, and it's down to get the friction on. I just dated myself with those song lyrics. And, if you don't know those lyrics we really need to be having a totally different conversation. Any way--My Beard. I have grown my bodacious MANstrocity for four years. I have tried my best to keep it groomed to tip top fashion. At times I have let it grow and just enjoyed the wildness of it. But all in all, I have thoroughly enjoyed my beard journey.
I have failed and succeeded a ton (regarding my beard) in the last 4 years. I have dried it out, over saturated it with oils, burnt it, glued it, cut it wrong, combed the life right out of it, and I have oiled it perfectly, twisted my stache to perfection, and basically grown a beautiful and healthy specimen of a beard.
This blog will chronicle the mistakes and successes. My hope is to help you grow and maintain the beard that you want. I am not here to advocate for any particular beard type. I want you to find your beard type and love it. When that happens your confidence will rise, you will accomplish more, and you will be living at a level of security that your insides long for.
We will be discussing beard styles, beard products, beard everything. There will be so much useful information in these blogs that your beard will rise up and call you blessed. So, if you are ready--let's go on a beard journey that will lead to epic adventure.